A big thanks to everyone who participated in this year’s art walk. We had a great turnout and perfect weather for the event. Generous door prizes were awarded, and we got great feedback from visitors.
Hope to see you all next year!
If you are looking to get involved in next year’s art walk, either as an artist, or a volunteer, please email us at info@centralartwalk.com.
Author Archives: David McKee
Artist Bio: Jennifer Janik
Jennifer Janik is an abstract oil painter who is new to this year’s art walk. Be sure to come out Saturday to get a good look at some of her recent works.
For me, the passion to paint and play with bright primary colours comes from deep within my solar plexus and bubbles out into vague visual impressions. As I push the brush around the canvas, the outside worldly distractions fade and all I feel is the movement of the lines. There is a point where there is not choice but to paint. The colours tend to come from the energy of the subject or idea that I’m focused on. Often the image captures a moment in time with all the emotion and feeling contained within it.
I love painting with oils because of the vibrancy of the colour and the smooth flow of the brush across the canvas. They give me the freedom that I need to be spontaneous in capturing the fleeting wisps of an elusive impression that I’m trying to pin down on the canvas. The best paintings have all come from a glimpse of an abstract image that flutters through my mind leaving me with only the gesture of the line behind the idea. The colours and movement of the brush strokes all come from the meditative space of chopping wood and carrying water, detaching from the judgement of the image and not really looking at the whole until it is done. I have no choice but to trust the subconscious to lead the brush to where it needs to be.
Life’s path has lead me through a career in technology that pushed painting to the back of the closet in favour of “earning a living”. While I have done many creative technology projects, colour was still missing from the formula. Originally, I had a goal of a career in digital art, but it is only now that the technology and tools have matured to the point where art has significant commercial value in a world hungry for content. My newest goal is to raise the profile and value of the unique creative skills of artists while merging the two aspects of my persona into one consistent path. The story continues with Mad Hatter Technology where Marketing Meets Technology and we push the limits of creative communications.
Jennifer Janik
Mad Hatter Tea Party @ Angie’s Kitchen
The Central Art Walk presents a Mad Hatter Technology Tea Party on Saturday night at Angie’s Kitchen in Waterloo!
Saturday, October 22nd, 7:30pm
Spread the word and invite your friends to drop by Angie’s Kitchen after 7:30 on Saturday to join in on the celebration. Free food, espresso, milk shakes, pop, coffee, tea, and a cash bar available.
Music provided by Central Art Walk artist, Phaelon!
A prize will be given to the person with the maddest hat! Make and wear your own wacky headgear!
Artist Bio: Dawn Martin
2011 Brochures Available
Brochures are available now, and should be popping up around town. In case you want a digital copy, the brochure is available here on Adobe PDF:
Brochure Inside
Brochure Outside
And you can get a poster while you’re at it.
Artist Bio: Sheila Diemert
Sheila Diemert is an incredibly prolific local artist who does fantastic landscapes, still-lifes, and portraits. This year she’s at 136 Moore Ave. S., Unit D.
You can see much more of her work on her Website:
Artist Bio: Carol Kubassek
Carol Kubassek is the proprietor of Your Time Boutique, and sells a wide array of beeswax products.
Carol Kubassek | Owner, Chandler
Your Time Boutique INC
120 Cherry St. Kitchener ON N2G 2C8
Tel 519.589.8248 – info@yourtimeboutique.ca
ARTISAN BEESWAX CANDLES ~ I chose to work with beeswax because of its simplistic purity. In 2007 I set out to make superlative beeswax candles because up until then I was wasting money on beeswax candles that didn’t burn properly.
I had the fortunate opportunity to learn from a master chandler who, for 15 years, made it his mission to develop new techniques and put to rest old myths of beeswax chandlery – gone were the days of half burned, inferior quality beeswax candles made with coarse natural fibre wicking that gave off a putrid scent.
It all begins at the hive. I procure Canadian cappings wax from beekeepers who haven’t scorched or overheated the wax when separating out the honey. Then, in order to maintain the integrity of the wax, with patience, and through a gentle cleaning process, I purify the wax by filtering it down to one micron.
When making the candles, the wax is heated carefully in small batches for only a very short time in order to keep alive the full bodied aroma, rich yellow colour and texture. Each candle is then fitted with the perfect sized 100% cotton wicking.
As a former chef I’ve always been passionate about what I put on your plate – I want your approval so this demands my best offering. When you burn Your TimeTM candles, I’d like your personal time to be enhanced because of their superior quality.
Artist Bio: Denise Redmond
Denise Redmond is a weaver who makes some fantastic fabric and fibre art.
Playing with fibre since the age of nine, Denise has had an ongoing love affair with clothing art. While working as a commercial visual artist, she found the third dimension more engaging than 2D media. Since discovering weaving and spinning several years ago, Denise has continued to explore the functional, visual and tactile possibilities of fibre.
“Expressing creativity in textiles allows me to marry colour, texture and function. My pieces are meant to be worn or used in everyday life, whether as shawls, scarves, bookmarks, bags or simple table ornaments.
“I prefer to work with natural fibres such as cotton, linen, wools and recycled fibres. Because I think weaving should be dynamic, I rarely repeat designs. Most of my inspiration for weaving comes from the interplay of colour I see in nature or accidentally, in combinations of manmade objects.
“My weaving is always evolving. Pieces are unique, tactile and imperfect. They remind me of a time when functional cloths were made in the home and lasted generations. Using modern threads and colours of our time, I hope to share my creations with other fans of textile.”
You can contact Denise at:
New Artist Bio: Jakki Annerino
This is an updated bio for Art Walk regular Jakki Annerino.
Jakki Annerino is a mixed-media artist and singer/songwriter living in Kitchener, ON. She grew up in Chicago, Illinois and Phoenix, Arizona.
Making art has been a lifelong passion for Jakki. She creates encaustic paintings, altered art jewelry and greeting cards. She incorporated various remnants and relics, both natural and vintage into her work.
She finds encaustic an intriguing medium as it allows for layering, creating textures and luminosity. Encaustic medium is made with beeswax and damar resin. Oil paint is then added for colour.
She likes to convey a sense of whimsy and memory in many of her pieces.
She is inspired by nature, literature, music and personal relationships.
See other examples of her work on this site:
Artist Bio: Jakki Annerino
Portrait of the Artist: Jakki Annerino
New Paintings from Alan Lew
Alan Lew, or Phaelon as he’s known in some circles, is back again at the 2011 Art Walk. This year, he’s continuing to bring music and paintings to the show.
Here are some great examples of his landscapes in oil.
Check out his website at http://www.phaelon.cc/ and get some of his music mixes.