Ryan Brooks is a Toronto based artist who enjoys working in a variety of media including: Ink drawing, painting, photography, and sculpture. He gains great inspiration from viewing other artists’ work and believes that the energy created by a piece has a palpable effect on the viewer.
Ryan’s work runs the gamut from striking cubist works which use fused perspectives to contort perception, to whimsically macabre images of children befriending the monsters from under their beds.
He has been associated with ZuckerLoft Studio in Kitchener for several years now, and is very pleased to be involved in the Art Walk again this year!
A portion of his portfolio can be viewed online at: http://www.behance.net/jrbrooks
Author Archives: David McKee
New pieces from Jakki Annerino
Great new encaustic and jewelry from Jakki.
Portrait of the Artist: Mary Lou Sittler
Mary Lou began her glass career after volunteering to set up a gallery for a stained glass shop. Since then Mary Lou has pursued her passion creating many custom stained glass pieces for local businesses and home owners. More recently she has been experimenting with fused glass, painted and slumped glass, focusing on one of a kind art forms.
Mary Lou’s work is displayed at Dundee Pottery and Stained Glass, and at her home studio in Kitchener, Ontario.
She’s available year-round by appointment.
Home Studio Location:
214 Moore Avenue
Kitchener, Ontario
Phone Number: 519-579-7511
Email: mtutton@rogers.com
Payment Method: Cash or Cheque.
Portrait of the Artist: Amaryah deGroot
After several attempts at writing books, Amaryah deGroot began making books and in 2003, she founded she weaves!, a one-woman book binding press. Designing book covers quickly took precedence since they offered more opportunities to experiment with fibre arts as well as printing and transferring techniques.
Fibre eventually won Amaryah’s heart and, after learning more about sewing, weaving, and felting, she began making and selling reconstructed clothing.
In 2008, she weaves! was reborn as sew oiseau, a workshop based in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada, creating women’s and children’s clothing, silkscreen prints, hand-cut stamps, and hand-bound books. Every sew oiseau design is an original.
You can see her works at Little City Farm.
Community Walk Map Available
A Community Walk map for the 2009 Central Art Walk is now available.
A full frame version of the map is available here.
Also, there’s a short URL for friends and emails: http://icanhaz.com/artwalk2009
Please look for your listing and check it. Please let me know if it’s missing or contains incorrect information.
Portrait of the Artist: ZS Worotynec
ZS Worotynec makes paper mash bowls in her downtown Kitchener studio.
Similar to the paper maché process, she uses plaster of paris to cast a shape and covers the bowls with a range of materials, including chiyogami papers, magazine and newspaper clippings, tissue and wrapping papers and other finds. ZS credits her 15 plus years working with young children as her inspiration to continue crafting.
Portrait of the Artist: Carolyn Laurie
For Carolyn Laurie, sewing had always been a great interest. However, with two daughters born close together, her ‘me’ time almost completely disappeared. Now that her daughters are older, Carolyn has found more of that ‘me’ time, and has returned to her craft.
After realizing there was a growing market for fashionable and useful accessories made from reclaimed materials, Carolyn began to sell her creations. Over the last 3 years, she’s made dozens of different bags from recycled materials and has rescued over 1200 juice pouches from the landfill. She collects spent juice bags from local schools and has many other donors among her friends and family. She is available for custom projects.
Portrait of the Artist: Sean M Puckett
In his early years, the easy money of computer programming lured Sean away from his fascination with graphic arts and photography. Now that he has decided his soul is more important than his wallet, he’s put down the keyboard and picked up his camera once more. He smiles more frequently these days. Sean’s studio is in Kitchener, Ontario.
Portrait of the Artist: Todd Schiedel
Todd Schiedel is an artisan, musician and teacher. He is interested in creating objects that are aesthetically pleasing, functional, and created without having an adverse impact on the environment. Todd makes handmade, wooden versions of familiar classic games and toys. These tried and true games are durable, non-toxic and made in part or entirely from reclaimed wood (old floorboards, cut-offs, etc.)
As a teacher, Todd appreciates the role of play in the lives of children. Playing games provides a context for meaningful interaction among children and adults alike. Todd will be selling his wares at Little City Farm (508 Duke St W.) with several other fine artisans.
Custom orders are welcome.
Todd’s recent musical creations can be found at toddschiedel.wordpress.com.
Send any inquiries to taschiedel@hotmail.com
Central Art Walk meeting – July 14
The next Central Art Walk meeting will be next Tuesday July 14, 7:30, at Jakki’s place.
In other news, the $40 entry fee will be collected the week of August 2. Jakki will contact you to arrange a collection time.
For information (such as where Jakki’s house is), please email info@centralartwalk.com.