2017 Bio – Sarah Granskou

Media: Hand felting and upcycling
Website: www.sarahgranskou.com

Sarah Granskou discovered felting when exploring mediums for creating puppets for her performances. But it didn’t stop there; Sarah has been creating felted hats, clothing, accessories, slippers, play mats and cat caves. For the modest budget and imaginative puppeteer, she has lots of fun making trolls out of re-purposed mittens and household items.


2017 Bio – Jakki Annerino

Media: Acrylic, encaustic, wet-felting, jewelry and greeting cards.

Jakki Annerino is a multi media artist and singer-songwriter.
She likes to explore different mediums as they each give voice to another element of her creative muse. In her current exploration of acrylic painting she is trying to express her joy of living by the exuberant use of colour and form.


Apply by May 15 to save

Hi folks,
We’ve got a lot of artists this year, and we’re working hard to get everyone’s info, pictures, and payment.
There’s still room for more, so if you’d like to be in this year’s art walk, be sure and check out our applications page.
Remember that after May 15th, the price goes up, so save now and apply.

New Postcards

If you haven’t picked up some of these, they’re available from Jakki. Just let us know if you’d like some to spread out at your next show, or your favourite coffee shop or art store.
Look for them around town this summer; they look good and they showcase some of the great art you can buy at our yearly event.

Call for Artists: 2017 K-W Central Art Walk

If you are an artist living in the areas bordered by Park, Victoria, Weber, and Union streets, and want to be part of the community, please join us this year. If you are from outside that area, but have a friend who lives in our location, consider asking them to host for you and other artists!
The K-W Central Art Walk is a team effort. Artists that are accepted will be expected to do their part in distributing posters and brochures in a timely manner. We expect artists to also be involved in decisions regarding details of the art walk. We also expect artists to attend at least 2 meetings, one of which will be the follow-up in November so we can de-brief. We are hoping to turn that meeting into a fun event.
Interested in becoming a 2017 participant? Please see our membership page for details.

2016 Artist: Jack MacAulay

“I have been fascinated by B/W photography since my 13th birthday in 1954. I have shown in over 170 exhibits, and have had over 50 solo shows. Since 1974 I have been using large format gear but in 2013 I switched to medium format. I taught photography and design at KWCVS for 22 years, as well as part-time at Conestoga College in the 1980s. After moving to Kitchener-Waterloo in 1965 I came to love the Southern Ontario landscape in all seasons. My favourite is winter.”